Message Collection: Rajiv, Faridabad | |
Days ContinuoS TO PaaS,
StaR ContinuoS to ShinE, WhY ShuD I BrinG TearS IN MY EyeS, WheN ShE WaS NeveR MinE.... | No matter how uglY YoU ThinK YoU are,
BuT ThE Special SomeonE WhO LoveS U Believes That U R The MosT Beautiful & IrrestiablE ThinG ON EartH and NO OnECaN ChangE IT. |
Love me the most when I deserve the Less,
as its ven I need it the Most. | Love the heart that hurts u,
but never hurt the heart that loves u, coZ for the world u may be someone but for someone u may be world. |
My Friendship is just like a rubber band,
It is too flexible, stretch it as much as u can, but if u leave it, it'll hurt u a lot, really a lot! | Dont be afraid to expose yourself,
Mulk ki bhi ek sarhad hoti hai,
Bacche ki bhi ek zid hoti hai, Aur kitna intezar karu tere sms ka, arre yaar kanjusi ki bhi ek haad hoti hai. | Ur Tarriff has changed!
Now make calls acc. to d size of ur Brain. D smaller d brain, d cheaper will b d calls. Dont worry yaar, u can make free calls!! |
Ven u get this SMS, send it 2one person U Love,
One u Hate, One u always think of & one U wish to Kill. Now keep thinking why I hav send it to you. | One of qualities
I like most about you... Is that you are very sentimental... 01% - Senti 99% - Mental Ha... ha... hee... hee! |
Life gives us Answers in 3 ways...
It says.. YES.. and Gives us sumthing Gud.. It says.. NO... and Gives us sumthing Better.. It says... WAIT... and Gives u BEST! | *
* See this Star? * * It never leaves u * * it's a symbol * of my care * * a promise * dat i'l be ur friend 4evR. |
Days are too BUSY...
Hours are too FEW... Seconds are too FAST... But there is Always a time for me to ask... How R U? n hope u r FINE... MiSS U! | Havin a Friend
So SWEET So CARING So TRUE So SINCERE Is a TREASURE! So I can't juz imagine How Lucky U R having Me! Ow! I mean... Me having U! |
Learn to Love d people who r willing to Love u at present,
4get d people d past and Thank dem 4hurting u which let u to Love d people u have rite now! | ,;;;;;;.
;; . . ;;; ;;. - ;;;; ,;;;;;;. ;; . . ;;; '. - , ,;;;;;;. ; . . ; '. - , ,- - -. ; . . ; '. - , I lost all my hair waiting 4 ur msgs. |
( ' ; ' ) People say, we need maps to find treasures. But i proved them wrong. Coz wthout a map I found YOU! And you will be treasured forever. | When you feel that
nobody loves U nobody cares 4 U & everyone is against U, U should start asking Urself... <)."".(> main ( (..)) Aisi ( ( .) ) Kyun hu |
Message Collection: JEET | |
Raat Thik 12 Baje ke baad 1 bajega! | - |
( > "*" < )
(-,-) zzz --(">--<")-- Sshhh.. its only me putting a blanket on u... So that u dont get cold, have a warm & gud nite sleep! n sweet dreams. | 2004
M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 any day... 12 9 --> 3 6 any time (>""<) ( ' , ' ) (,==(,,) u'l always b A FRND OF MINE! |
,,,**,,, Bring
* ._. * ur phone ( .__, ) close 2 > +++ < ur cheek ,,,**,,, * -.- * ( '*' / .. dishum >+++< Why dont u SMS Me! | The @nly wealth i hv,
rare pe@ple ar@und me dat i really call frndz & y@u are 1 @f them. Pls stay with me s@ that pe@ple will kn@w h@w rich i am? |
Say Cheese!
SMILE! *CLICK!* <) ".."(> ( (..) ) | Delete Message?
No! Wait! B'coz I wana say somethng dats only 4 U ( )" " "( ) ( )""*( ) ("( 'o' ) ( 'o' )") " I MISS YOU" |
Message Collection: POO, Chennai | |
Arre... listen... 2 ppl were askin me ur details 2day.
I gave them ur address n no. They will b visiting u soon. Their names r JOY & HAPPINESS...!!! | - |
Conducting a blood test on u...
Testing... Testing in progress... Result: SORRY HIV+ (HONEY in VEINS) UR FULL OF HONEY, NO WONDER UR SO SWEET! | When I call u,
1 ring means i'm thinkin of u, 2 rings means i like u, 3 rings means i'm missing u, 4 rings means i need u, 5 rings mean.. BEHRE PHONE UTTHA! |
When I pray,
I Dn't C God Bt I knw He listns. Whn I SMS I Dn't C You Bt I Knw You think of Me 0=0 (",") Wth a (")(") Smile | Yaad karte hai tumhe tanhai me,
Dil duba hai gamo ki gahrai me, hume mat dhundo duniya ki bhid me, hum milenge tumhe fir kisi, free SMS ki scheme me! |
Sweet but not honey; Precious but not money; bright but not sunshine; improves with time but not wine; Dnt knw?? It's... Meee! | Life without ur sms is
tea w/o sugar, coffee w/o milk, bread w/o butter, Salard w/o onion, Candy w/o cream, Chicken w/o spice, Icecream w/o ice ME w/o U! |
Luv is like a Ice Cube,
D Harder U Hold on to it, D faster It'll disappear. Al u'll have in ur hand will B Tears of Crushed Love... | We're like Tea Bags, where true strength comes out when we're put in hot water. So when problems come 2 U, just think... U must be God's favourite cup of Tea. |
LEAVE me, BREAK me, DO any thing but please DON"T... __ | __ | | __ | | | ___ | _) | |__| ___ | _) | _)ORGET ME! |__| | - |
10 Things I knw about U!
1. Ur a special person vid a hrt so rare 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. n dats wot mattrers! | 10 Things I like about U
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Wat can i say? THR is NUTHIN GUD ABUT U! |
A new day, a new sun, makes us to have a new run.
Come out of your dreams and see the world outstide. Waiting for you as a new day has already begun. Good Morning! | A day may start or end without a message from me, but believe me it won't start or end without me thinking of u...
GOOD Morning! |
U know wat happened last nite,
i went out 4 dinner, a lady starin at me, she ordered wat i did, she ate how i ate, she insist to pay my bill too, when i left d hote, she followed me, came to my car n started pullin my leg, as i m pulling urs now. Ha ha! | Are o friendwa, tohar smswa k intajar ma hum mubilwa hath me liye 1 ghante se baitha hun. Tanik idhar bhi dhayan dai diyo aur ekad msgwa bhijwai do...
_Tohra Dost.. |
L o n g t i m e a g o...
o n l y idiots used... to read my S M S. And, t o d a y, the history continues.... | I have a special menu for you:
A glass of CARE, A Plate of LOVE, A Spoon of PEACE, A fork of TRUST, and A Bowl of HAPPINESS... So hog nicely! |
u knw y people r jealous of u...?
coz u r smart? Or, coz u r cute Or, then u r gorgeous? No! They r jealous coz U ve a cute n sweet FRen like ME. | I'm shocked 2 know, i'm really upset.
I dont know how 2 inform U. Bt I've 2 let U know dat U've symptoms of A-I-D-S (Adoring, Intelligent, Dear, Sweetlover) !! |
Smile in pleasure, smile in pain, smile when trouble pours like a rain... smile when someone hurts u... smile b'coz someone still cares 4 u... | Sometimes I forget to ask
are u ok? Sometimes I even miss to say Hi! But it doesn't mean that you're forgotten... No I m just lazy... like u... |
Phoolon ne Amrit ka jaam bheja hai,
Sooraj ne gagan se Salam bheja hai, Mubarak ho Aapko nayi subhah, Tahe-Dil se Humne ye Paigaam bheja hai! Good Morning! | Longest love is Mother's love,
Shortest love is others love, Sweetest love is Lover's love, BUT Strongest love is friends love. Like u and me. |
R: ROOT of JOY! I: ISLAND of GOD! E: END of SORROW! N: NAME of HOPE! D: DOOR of UNDERSTANDING! tats YOU my FRIEND. | Every failure is a lesson well-learned,
Every Success is a battle well-fought, and TRUE Love is a jewel well-kept, in one's heart... |
Dont" keep me in ur eyes, i may fall as tears.
Keep me in ur heart, so that ur every "heart beat" may reminds u that there is "someone 4 u". | Whenever I miss u, Stars falls down from the Sky,
So any day if u find the sky empty, don't blame me! Its all your fault, you made me miss you so much! |
In the rythm of life, we sometimes find ourselves out of tune, but as long as thr r friends like u to provide the melody - the music plays on. | There"s a st@ry BiHind every friendship.
Each friend we make is a start @f each st@ry, our st@ry had a w@nderful beginning... H@pe this st@ry, Never has an ending |
Know what makes me happy wen u msg me?
Not ur Jokes, Graphics or sweet msgs but ur NAME that "APPEARS" on the cell when it beeps knowing that u remember me. | When we sigh about our problems,
they grow D_O_U_B_L_E. But when we laugh about them... they become ö ö ö ö ö BuBBLes! Have a bubbly life! |
When words fail, Eyes Work.
When Eyes fail, Heart Works When Heart fails... To kya? Samjhe tapak gaya, MAMU...! | A smile costs less than Electricity,
but gives more light... Always smile as it is language which everyone understand... So keep smiling :-) Good morning! |
In life 5 things can come at any time...
MONEY FRIENDSHIP LOVE DEATH AND ???? ....... MY SMS. Have a nice day! | Najre Jhuki to Paimane bane,
Dil tute to Maikhane bane, Kuch to jaroor khas hai aap mein.. Hum yoon hi nahi aapke Diwane Bane...!!! |
Love is like a bird,
if u hold it tightly it dies, if u hold it slightly, it flies, plz take good care of it... Don't Luv 1, dont' luv 2, but Luv the 1 who Luvs u. | Gadha jo khaye wo Ghas ho tum,
Buddhe ka Chyawanprash ho tum, Idiot stupid bakwas ho tum, Par jo bhi ho yar, Dost Jhakaas ho tum... |
Hotho se jo choo liya,
Ehsaas Aab tak hai, Aankhe Nam hai, Aur sanso mein Aag aab tak hain... Aur kyo na ho... Khayi Bhi to 'HARI Mirchi...'-hai... | Friendship happens inside the heart.
Slient... Unwritten.. Unbreakable by distance... Unchangeable by time... Once a FRIEND, always a FRIEND... |
Message Collection: Noori | |
,,,, .*.
(,' ') (' ',) (')_() ()_(') ,,, .*. ( ,")(", ) (')_()()_(') ,,, *. ( 'x' ) ('_()()_(') smak smak smak smak smak | .( ö' ).
.' ( "(,) '. ',,,¿.¿J,,,',,, hum bohot udaas hai aap ke bina, |
,,, ?
(.") jaha <( :)> b dekhu ,,J L,, ,,, ,, (,") (".) nazar <( :)><(")>ateh ,,J L,,,J L,,ho miss u jaan it hurts | /)') ('('
( ') faselai (' ) (,,,,,) dur! (,,,,,) par ho hamesha dil ke paas judaai badi buri cheez hai mar bi sakti hai kissi ko (>"<) |
,._( 'o' )_., '.-- $ --.' (") (") ()"'()""() ( 'o( __) (,( (,) ("( ___)") is ko kehte hai pyar wali jhapphi | (é
; ( (é (é- ; ( (é- ( ) - ; ( ( ) - (é - ; ( (é - boht yad ateh ho jaan wapas ajao jaldi se kuch acha nahi lagta tumbin |
Lehar aati hai, kinare se palat jati hai,
yaad aati hai, dil mein simat jati hai, dono mein farakh sirf itna hai, lehar bewaqt aati hai, aur yaad har waqt aati hai. | //$ ' ; ; ' ))/
((( ,-' '-. t / ))/ / ,/))/))((/((/;, //$ - ;; - ))/ ((( ,-''-. t I MISS YOU! jaan |
If u drop me, i'll break; if u hold me, i'll shak
if u need me, i'll hurry; if u don't call me, i'll worry if u hurt me, i'll cry, but friend, if u leave me, i'll die.... | Take my hand And lead me from this place...
Chase away my doubts and fears, Wipe the tears from off my face... I can't stand alone. I need your hand to hold (From: Noori) |
Kabhi badli hui takdir nazar ati hai,
yado ki bas ek zanjir nazar ati hai , pade bhi to kya pade yaar- mujhe mobile me bhi teri tasveer nazar ati hai, | jab dosti ki dastaan waqt sunayega,
hum ko bhi koi shaks yaad ayega , tab bhool jayenge zindagi ke gamon ko , jab AAp ke saath guzra waqt yaad ayega |
Message Collection: Others | |
Shadi karna tha par kismat khuli nahi,
TAJMAHAL Bana tha par MUMTAZ mili nahi, Ab kismat khuli, Shadi hue, ab TAZ banana chahta hu, par ye MUMTAZ marti nahi! | - |
10g hasit, 10g Pyar 20g Sukh dukh share karne ka vada, 5g kasme, thodi si takrar 50g kabhi na khatma hone wali batein RESULT: FRNDS 4ever | Tis nyc.. d kind of frndship we have, we dnt get 2c, tok 2 or txt each othr dat much. But wen we do, we jus sorta pikup wer we left off. no ifs, no buts... |
( 'o',) (,,)Y(,,) 4 U! L.L.J *(>-<)*.*.*
| <>
<> <> <> D<>
G<>N '.+'+.+
;--->" .:;!""v""!;:.
| ,,, .*.
(,' ') (' ',) (')=() () ((') Any1 lookin, no! .,,, .*.
,,, *.
Pleaz pray 4 me... ,***,
..My medical
But don't worry
| Please turn ur mobile
Bhul se kabhi hame bhi yaad kiya karo,
Pyar nahi to Shikayat hi kiya karo, Itna bhi gair na samjho ki baat hi na kiya karo, Phone nahi to SMS hi kiya karo.... (From: Sachin) | L o n g t i m e a g o... o n l y idiots used... to read my S M S. And, t o d a y, the history continues
3 things I miss
Abt U... ,.: I :., Ur Hair ,.: I :., o (.)(.) o UR EYES ,.: I :., o (.)(.) o .. (----) Ur SMILE! Aauw.. so CUTE... (From: JEET) | (>""'<)
( ';' ) (,,) (,,) Hush... Hush.. (>""'<)
Just checking
wen I go wrong,need ur hand 2 correct,wen emotions bust out,need ur hand 2 catch,wen i win, need ur hand 2 short -YE HAATH MUJHE DE DE THAKUR (Sachin) | In the rythm of life,
we sometimes find ourselves out of tune, but as long as thr r friends like u to provide the melody - the music plays on. (Sachin) |
wat makes a frndship special is d way each one remembers d oder wen dey r apart.
dey mis d talks,d lafs n d tyme dey wer 2gedr. lyf changes,memries dont... i miss u...(Nikky) | Dil k dard ko zuba par laate nahi,
hum apni aankhon se ansu bahate nahi, Zakhm chahe kitne hi gahre kyo na ho, ? ? hum DETTOL k siva kuch laagate nahi (Sachin Bafna) |
(> " <)
(. " o) Are You (@"(,) Busy? ?.?. OK.. (>"<) I SIT o: , ) Here. (")(")(,) I wOn'T go UnLess n uNtil U sMS me (Jeet) | The best teacher is ur heart,
The best healer iis time, The best judge is ur conscious. Ur best friend could only be GOD & ur CUTEST FRIEND can only be ME! (Sachin) |
First of first is first of you,
Then there are zeros two First of last is last of you, Now you tell me what are you? "F-O-O-L" RITE! | You are ABCDEFGHIJK!
(Read on) A - Attractive B - Beautiful C - Cute D - Dazzling E - Excellent F - Funny G - Great H - Hot I J K- I am Just Kidding!! |
Monday, January 19, 2009
World Favorite SMS Messages Collection#7
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